Smile for you

You are beautiful, just the way you are, he told me
He told me this every morning, just as my face was a blank canvas
My primer stood already put and held layers of liquid new skin, ready to fill with colours
You are beautiful, he told me, just not in the colours
As my cut crease reminded him that there is two sides to this reality
words cut deep but actions showed me bridges
As my lipliner drew told him that these lips were mine and not his, as the stop signs were never enough in the first place
You are beautiful, just not in this face
So I washed away the face
The take her swimming face
Leaving me, just they way he didn't want me to be

Cause you see, he never told me in the evening, when not just the colors but my skin rubbed off
Natural comes with a price and it isn't a gift card
It is what the concealer tucked away under the bed, like the last week I havent slept just hid there under with all my secrets
With my canvas white, he reached down and kissed my hair and I smiled as a thief that knew the glory wasn't mine to be given
Am I beautiful to you?
Do you want to take me out swimming on our first date?
What state of being am I lovable, because to me it feels like you hate my skin and everything that I want to dress it in.

To you I am perfect just the way I am
Right now.
Not the way I am when I am going out, wearing coal on my eyes as if it is my warpaint
Not the way I am on that day when the snowstorm ripped open my delicate surface and displayed red booming warmth

I want to hide my face under my bed
Rip the seems open, let my magic pour out on the table so you can inspect everything that was wrong with it
Stich me back together just the way you like me
But dreams weren't meant to be reality, so all I've now become is but a question mark to you
Mend the seems, cry on the bathroom floor
and smile for you
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